Unearthing stories of real women overcoming real struggles
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“The relationship between a director and its subjects shows in the power of a film. This holds true in every frame of "Recovery City" , a film by Lisa Olivieri. Olivieri masterfully weaves the complexities of women in treatment for addiction, allowing the viewer to fully appreciate the challenges and rewards of those fighting this terrible disease.
As a recovering alcoholic, I felt these women fly off the screen and into my heart as each story peeled off another layer of the journey of recovery from drugs or alcohol. And Olivieri encapsulates each path with a creative style uniquely hers!
In it, there's promise. There's pain. There's triumph. And there's failure. The power of "Recovery City" is that these feelings are not just shared by the stories told, but by the viewer's response.”
Tonia Magras/Filmmaker
Production Photos

Lisa Olivieri
Lisa Olivieri is an award-winning documentary filmmaker in the Boston area. In addition to filmmaking, she also teaches photography, video production and documentary studies at a local high school.